Celebrenation! Let’s party in France and Germany #Futur2

In the audio series „Celebrenation“ the French-German reporter team Mareike Domröse, Charlotte Maury, Fanny Séguéla und Kilian Wolkersdorfer talk about holidays in France and Germany: What is similar and what is different about celebrating?

Four episodes are waiting for you:

Episode 1: Work hard, party harder! How different Labor Day is celebrated in France and Germany

Episode 2: Drinking or Praying? On ascension and the importance of religious holidays in France and Germany

Episode 3: Party on a Mountain! Walpurgis Night in Germany and Bear Festival in France.

Episode 4: Cakes and Creeps for Christmas! What’s special about celebrating Christmas in Germany and in France?


This audio series is a product of the project „Futur2 – French German Journalism“ by students of BA Journalism, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and M1 Journalism, CELSA Sorbonne University. It was funded by Deutsch-Französische Hochschule | Université franco-allemande: „Élysée-Vertrag – Zusammen den Blick in die Zukunft richten“ in 2023.

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