Nuclear plants: To close or not to close? The opinion of young people on nuclear power production in France and Germany #Futur2

Atomkraft? Nein, danke!

« We are here, we are loud, because you want nuclear power back! » (« Wir sind hier, wir sind laut, weil ihr wieder Atomkraft wollt! ») – « Against nuclear power, for the climate – on the streets, again and again! » („Gegen Kernkraft, für das Klima – auf die Straßen, immer wieder! ») – For years, these were the sort of slogans that could be heard echoing through the streets of Germany. But while large parts of the German population have been critical of nuclear power in recent decades, it was seen mostly positively in its early days of civilian use. In the 1970s, it was considered to be safe, cheap, modern and resource efficient. However, the public perception changed following the nuclear accidents at Three Miles Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986) and their impact which also affected the German population. More and more Germans began to speak out – against nuclear energy. In 2002, the decision was made to gradually phase out nuclear energy. However, the debate wasn’t over yet: in 2010, the government after next extended the nuclear phase-out by decades – only to advance it back to the end of 2022 a year later, influenced by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Continuer la lecture de « Nuclear plants: To close or not to close? The opinion of young people on nuclear power production in France and Germany #Futur2 »

Gender pay gap: a huge problem in France and Germany #Futur2

The Gender Pay Gap continues to be a huge problem in society. Women, on average, receive lower pay than men. This disparity can be attributed to a range of legal, social, and economic factors. These include issues such as gender based discrimination, the difference in treatment between mothers and fathers in the workplace, parental leave policies, and societal expectations of gender roles. Continuer la lecture de « Gender pay gap: a huge problem in France and Germany #Futur2 »

Beyond borders: unveiling police brutality during demonstrations across France and Germany #Futur2

In France, such as in Germany, cases of police violence are increasing. Clashes with the police are numerous in both countries. Recently in France, the violence committed by the police during the demonstrations against the pension reform has led to controversy. France has been singled out by the UN and Amnesty International. These images of violence have gone around the world. In France, cases have increased since the 2010s. The article investigates police violence during protests in France and Germany, noting rising clashes between law enforcement and demonstrators, recent incidents, and historical context. Personal stories of those affected underscore issues of racial profiling, harassment, and wider societal implications related to police behavior.

by Kathrin Glatzel, Emma Larbi and Aïssata Soumaré

© Norbu GYACHUNG (@norbuw) auf Unsplash Continuer la lecture de « Beyond borders: unveiling police brutality during demonstrations across France and Germany #Futur2 »