From Trash to Treasure: Tackling food waste in France and Germany #Futur2

More than 20 million tons of edible food go to waste in Germany and France every year. That could save more than 20 million people dying from hunger yearly. Why do we waste so much food? What are possible solutions to fight this tremendous prodigality? And what are the differences between France and Germany in handling the problem?

Élisabeth Crépin-Leblond, Ronja Miska, Simon Weber and Julie Zulian have put their reporting in a multimedia storytelling you can visit here: Continuer la lecture de « From Trash to Treasure: Tackling food waste in France and Germany #Futur2 »

Vegetarian Diet: Comparison France and Germany #Futur2

What are you eating? Do you follow an omnivorous, vegetarian or vegan diet? The way societies eat varies immensely. Our team reports on the eating habits in France and Germany and its deep cultural roots.

Was essen Sie? Ernähren Sie sich omnivor, vegetarisch oder vegan? Die Art und Weise, wie Gesellschaften essen, ist sehr unterschiedlich. Unser Team berichtet über die Essgewohnheiten in Frankreich und Deutschland und ihre tiefen kulturellen Wurzeln.

Quel est votre régime alimentaire ? Suivez-vous une alimentation omnivore, végétarienne ou végétalienne ? La manière dont sociétés mangent est très différente. Notre équipe fait le point sur les habitudes alimentaires en France et en Allemagne et sur leurs profondes racines culturelles.

by Nina Clement, Georg Dähling, Nora Mourran and Anna Vasylenko

Continuer la lecture de « Vegetarian Diet: Comparison France and Germany #Futur2 »